Five Career Fields Expected to Grow in 2022


If you are considering switching up your career, deciding on a major, or going back to school, you need to know where the jobs are going to be in the next few years. Job projections are an excellent tool that can help you figure out the likelihood of turning your passion into a job upon graduation. The following is a list of five jobs that are projected to see growth in the next three years.



Somewhat surprisingly, construction jobs are going to be in tremendous demand in the coming years. Now that the housing market has recovered, and construction projects have resumed, there has been a need for laborers. Jobs that will experience tremendous growth in this industry include brick/stonemasons, insulation workers, and tile/marble setters.


Healthcare Support

It seems as though the healthcare industry is always growing. If you aren’t sure what career path to take, rest assured this is an extremely safe bet. Healthcare support jobs will be in high demand in the years to come.  According to the statistics, jobs such as ambulatory support, and nursing home/care facility workers are just a few that will be growing exponentially.


Computer/Math Technology

Computer technology is one of the fastest growing career fields at the moment. An article written by the Bureau of Labor Statistics states, “Unlike in most occupational groups, more job openings will stem from growth [in this field] than from the need to replace workers who change occupations or leave the labor force.” It’s obvious that our world has become technology dependent and things don’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon. A couple examples of jobs in this field include computer security, software development, and programming. If you’re looking for a career that will put you in high demand, this might be an option for you.


Personal Care/Service

What does this category include? This is an area that encompasses a large range of workers who are commonly self-employed. More specifically, it describes people who perform a service or personal care treatment as a profession. For example, this category can include barbers, manicurists, personal trainers, childcare services, etc. If you dream of being your own boss, this career field might be the right fit for you.


Community/Social Services

This field is also expected to produce a tremendous amount of growth over the next few years. Examples of jobs in this field include marriage and family therapists, substance abuse counselors, social workers and religious workers. These very demanding yet highly rewarding careers would be an excellent option for anyone who enjoys helping others.

Learning more about projected areas of growth in the job field is information worth paying attention to. These facts can help you make informed decisions as to which career paths might be a good fit for you. Please note: the information in this article comes from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.


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